Uniting Retailers, Manufacturers and Associates (URMA) with Integrated E-Commerce Solutions
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UrmaTech E-Automate

Imagine a simple powerful integrated web-based system managing relationships between the wholesaler, the retailers and the logistics providers in an interactive and user-friendly environment. We offer you, the wholesaler, an innovative way to lower the operational expenses and increase the profit by:
  • Reducing your order-taking staff by 50-100%.
  • Reducing your other operational expenses by 15-30%
  • .
  • Increasing your revenue by 25-35% due to new sales channel and new advertising revenue on portal.

E-Automate with a powerful and robust J2EE technology give you the fastest and most sophisticated Integrated e-commerce solutions on the market today. The real time link allows faster fulfillment and fewer out of stock sales issues. A wealth of options allow control of price levels, customer relationship management, sales force management, payment options, save as Sales Orders or Invoices, and more.

Act now to streamline your operations, increase you revenue and increase your profits by millions of dollars. Ask us how we can quote one for you. You cannot afford to miss this opportunity!

The following industries can benefit from our B2B e-commerce solutions: For more information on these solutions contact us.

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